JULY 26 | 7:00 A.M.
The Event !
Rolling through the low hills of southwest Oklahoma, the Dehydrator is a fun ride with distances ranging from 10-80 miles. Participants will cover rolling hills, plains and areas of Stephens County. Experience the beauty of the surrounding countryside while challenging yourself to The Dehydrator.
The Dehydrator features recreational, non-competitive rides that include five distances. Options include a 10-mile flat course (well actually, there's a couple of big hills), as well as 25-, 50-, 62-, and 80 mile courses. (The 80 mile course will have a timed gate; riders must reach it before the assigned time or be re-routed to the 62 mile course (the gate is approx. 33 miles from the start and the riders have a little over 3 hours to reach it/ we're looking at around a 10 mph pace)). The recreational courses are clearly marked; route maps will be provided when participants pick up their ride packet on the evening before, and the morning of the event. Stops will be provided approximately every 10 miles and there will be plenty of fluids, fruits, and our dee-lishious homemade cookies.
Ranked as one of the top rides in Oklahoma, and known for its heat, The Dehydrator stages itself at Duncan's premier sports and activity center, the Simmons Center. A free meal (our FAMOUS homemade chicken spaghetti !!) is served up for all entrants, extra meals can be purchased for a small fee. Come to Duncan's Dehydrator, GET REGISTERED, bring your sunscreen, camera, and bike and join the fun!